Shower Power Booster

Easy | Efficient | Effective

Shower Power Booster

Easy | Efficient | Effective

ShowerPowerBooster Dragons Den - Shower Power Booster

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10 years after Dragons Den the ShowerPowerBooster reached its ultimate in terms of performance with the new pump being able to resist 20 bar pressure. 20 bars is five times higher that the highest pressure you might record in a home.

With the confidence of the pump not leaking I developed Radiator flow boosters and promoted other applications where the ShowerPowerBooster is the only pump that can solve pressure problems. Buy a standard pump and not a ShowerPowerBooster and you risk it will blow up.

12 years after Dragons Den and a new Patented invention which converts any tank into a heat store. It is declared novel with inventive step.

The new invention gives drive and momentum to heat loops innovation and I am now able to fulfil my life time ambition to finally bring my solar thermal solutions to market. In July 2024 I plan to be selling lightweight super solar thermal with efficiencies off the scale and allowing practical installation by any competent DIY person.

The last two videos embedded in this post are the presentation I gave at Norwich City forum which gives you some history of my inventive journey and finally, what the Dragons thought of my ShowerPowerBooster. 12 years after Dragons Den what would they have done in hindsight.

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