Shower Power Booster
Easy | Efficient | EffectiveICL Best Water Innovation
Used in Over 15,000 UK HOMES
Updates, tips and advice for the Shower Power Booster
If you click on the links below you can see all articles related to the topic you are interested in:-
Mains Pressure and Un-Vented Cylinders
Protect and Boost the pressure and flow to any tap or shower in any system
The science which underpins why our pumps work and their USPs
Problems you may have after fitting our pumps and how to solve them – 23 Blogs
Retrofit Electric Shower Booster
ShowerPowerBoosters are retrofit pumps designed to legally and effectively improve a poor performing electric shower. Depending on the KW power of your electric shower a SP2B or SP21S will stop a shower shutting down or running too hot because the mains pressure is...
WRightChoice Shower Heads and Shower Hoses
The reason I sell shower heads and hoses is a good one. I researched shower heads at Cranfield University and in order to get the best effect out of a ShowerPowerBooster it was evident that the shower head has a critical impact upon the quality of a shower. It just...
Ideal Standard Trevi Boost System
Photo Of Trevi Boost Curtesy of Derek Montgomery. Derek Fitted a SP2B in June 2019 You can fix your Trevi Boost System for half the cost of a replacement Venturi with a ShowerPowerBooster (and our pump is there to boost any future shower). You can either fit a pump to...
The Economic Case for a WrightChoice Energy Storage Device
The WrightChoice Energy Storage device is a very simple and low cost device designed for retrofitting to a traditional hot water tank or installed in a new tank. A DIY install in minutes for under £100 which pay for itself twice a year because it allows you to use off...
How a Traditional Hot Water Cylinder Works
How to tell if your hot is gravity fed and cold is mains pressure.
To tell if a tap or shower is fed from your cold water tank in the loft or a mains pressure pipe, the flow from that tap or shower in litres a minute will give an excellent indication as to how it is fed. This blog is dedicated to Rory, Leah, and to many other...
WrightChoice Energy Storage Device
The WrightChoice Energy Storage Device is a Patented Device. It is set to change the way we use renewable energy and it will help us say goodbye to gas and oil. It can be applied to potable water and for central heating in a home.It stores surplus electricity at night...
Energy Storage Device Validation
We have customer trials which resulted in happy customers but precise analysis of the device in operation was though essential. The device has been validated and we are happy to report that it maintains stratification when charging and it demonstrates near perfect...
WrightChoice Heat Storage Device – Market Potential
ENERGY HEAT STORE DEVICE Field of Invention My newly patented heat storage device, described as novel with inventive step by the UK Patent Office is a device retailing for £250 which when retrofitted to an existing...
WrightChoice Solar Thermal
WrightChoice Solar Thermal offers a new way of collecting hot water directly into high quality thermal collectors. It uses a novel heat concentration process and it can easily collect and store 3 times more hot water than traditional UK. As well as efficiency you get...