A single SP2B ShowerPowerBooster fitted on the hot feed to a shower will maintain a good shower even if someone opens other hot taps. A SP22S is a two pump pack so you can fit a pump on the hot and on the cold to protect and boost both the hot and the cold.
In a home with multiple occupants, all wanting to shower or run taps at the same time, then it is possible to boost every shower and tap at the same time using multiple shower boosters. The advantage of this is that people can continue to shower without the fear that the shower is about to die or go cold when others turn on taps.
With multiple showers the danger that you need more water than your system can cope with is minimised. The ShowerPowerBooster will achieve a great shower with only half the water of a power shower and no one shower will steal the lot. This can avoid you having to upgrade the whole system, save on additional storage tanks, and focus your effort on only those rooms with a problem.
We have many hotels who have used our pumps – to read more and in particular where and how they fitted them please click on this link.
The ShowrPowerBooster is unique in being the only pumps recommended and able to be fitted on the hot side of a Combi Boiler, Megaflow, or indeed any system.
Click on the link below to see the latest ShowerPowerBooster Fitting Guide.
ShowerPowerBooster Information Manual